Body Sculpting in Orange County & Inland Empire, CA

Body sculpting is designed to help perfect certain areas of the body by removing unwanted fat pockets from those specific areas. Coast Regenerative Medicine has offices in Santa Ana as well as Rancho Cucamonga, CA, and offers body sculpting services such as truSculpt® 3D to residents in Covina, Orange County, the Inland Empire and San Diego and other neighboring communities in Southern California.

What is Body Sculpting?

Body sculpting techniques, sometimes referred to as body contouring procedures, are designed to permanently eliminate stubborn pockets of fat that have proven to be resistant to diet and exercise.

At Coast Regenerative Medicine, we’re pleased to offer truSculpt® 3D as part of our ever-growing repertoire of procedures designed to help you attain the very best possible version of you!

What is TruSculpt® 3D?

One of the most frustrating aspects of losing weight is when you’re doing everything you know to do and still can’t get rid of stubborn fat that is safely pocketed away in certain areas that seem unreachable by conventional methods of diet and exercise.

TruSculpt® 3D is the solution to that problem for many people who are delighted with being able to finally get rid of resistant fatty tissue. Treatments are performed in the office and are used to remove excess fatty tissue from many areas, including the stomach, flanks, back, arms or legs, or the neck area.

Radiofrequency therapy, which is what truSculpt® 3D provides, is an extremely effective, non-surgical method used to target very specific areas of loose skin or fatty bulges.

What Does TruSculpt® 3D Cost in Santa Ana, CA?

The cost of truSculpt® 3D will vary from one patient to the next, due to a number of variables that must be factored in that affect the final cost, such as how many areas you plan to treat and the size of each of those areas. This is discussed in full during your complimentary assessment, and you can be given an accurate amount at that time, based on your individual treatment plan.

Most insurance companies will not cover elective cosmetic treatments, so it’s highly likely you’ll be responsible for payment. We’re pleased to be able to offer our patients a financing option through CareCredit®.

How Does TruSculpt® 3D Work?

The truSculpt® 3D treatment is performed by moving a handheld device over the area to be treated. RF (radiofrequency) waves are delivered deeply into the skin, heating and destroying fat cells while maintaining a cooler temperature on the surface of the skin.

There’s no pain associated with the treatment and once the fat cells have been destroyed, they’re gone forever. It bears mentioning that truSculpt® 3D treatment is not intended as a treatment for obesity.

While you won’t gain any fat again in the area treated, the rest of the fat cells that remain in your body are still capable of expanding, and you’re still able to gain weight if your diet becomes unhealthy.

What Are the Benefits of TruSculpt® 3D?

As many of the truSculpt® 3D before and after pictures will attest, the results can be quite astonishing and most people are delighted with their newly contoured curves after their truSculpt® 3D treatment. Some of the more commonly mentioned benefits include:

  • Non-surgical, non-invasive treatment
  • Multiple areas can be treated in a single session
  • Fatty tissue is permanently removed
  • Loose skin is tightened up
  • No pain
  • No downtime needed
  • No scars

Am I a Good Candidate for truSculpt® 3D?

If you’re a healthy adult between the ages of 30 and 50 and are unhappy about specific areas of stubborn fat, you’re probably a good candidate for truSculpt® 3D. Ideal patients are typically at or close to their target weight and usually have a BMI of about 31 or less. If you are looking for body sculpting near me, our medical professionals at Coast Regenerative Medicine are ready to help.

If you still have questions about body contouring and how truSculpt® 3D could benefit and enhance your appearance, contact us to schedule a complimentary consultation. Our offices provide services to residents in San Bernardino County, Covina, Orange County, the Inland Empire, San Diego, and the neighboring areas of Southern California.