Spider Vein Treatment in Orange County & Inland Empire, CA

Are you experiencing pain or embarrassment associated with spider veins? You may want to consider spider vein treatment at Coast Regenerative Medicine for a solution. We perform spider vein treatments on residents in Southern California, including San Bernardino and Orange counties, Covina, San Diego, the Inland Empire, and other surrounding communities.

What is Spider Vein Treatment?

Spider vein treatment is the umbrella term used to describe a variety of procedures designed to get rid of unsightly spider veins. Spider veins were given that name because of their appearance beneath the skin’s surface that looks similar to a spider web pattern.

You may see the term ‘sclerotherapy’ when searching for spider vein treatments. This procedure involves injection of a sclerosing agent (typically a saline solution) into the veins, causing them to scar. Blood gets re-routed to healthier veins and the damaged ones collapse within a few weeks and eventually fade away completely.

Laser treatment can also be used effectively to remove spider veins, sending strong, pulsing light energy directly into the spider veins. The laser energy causes a damaging result to the veins similar to the results seen with sclerotherapy.

Spider vein treatment should not be confused with varicose veins treatments. While both deal with problem veins, there are significant differences. Spider veins are small veins, usually blue, purple or red in color. They twist and turn and are easily seen just beneath the surface of the skin and usually appear on the legs or the face.

Varicose veins also twist and turn, but are seen mostly in the legs and are even more easily noticed because they tend to be large, raised blood vessels and are often swollen and painful.

What Does Spider Vein Treatment Cost in Santa Ana, CA?

Spider vein treatment cost varies from patient to patient with individual cases evaluated and priced accordingly, based in part on the depth and complexity of the treatment and number of sessions needed.

During your initial consultation, a treatment plan will be constructed and the cost for your spider vein treatment is thoroughly discussed. You’ll be given a more accurate cost assessment at that time.

Many cosmetic procedures are not covered by insurance, so you’ll want to check with your insurance provider to see what their policy is with regard to spider vein treatments. At Coast Regenerative Medicine, in an effort to make our treatments accessible to our clients who want them, we’re pleased to offer free consultations as well as financing options through CareCredit®.

How Does Spider Vein Treatment Work?

Spider vein treatment, regardless of the method used, is designed to damage and destroy the twisted, ineffective veins, capable of causing pain and/or embarrassment to the men and women who suffer with them.

At Coast Regenerative Medicine, we use laser therapy, specifically Cutera’s Laser xeo® system to remove spider veins. The laser effectively damages the spider veins while leaving the surface of the skin unharmed.

The laser energy precisely targets only the spider veins, and the intense heat from the laser causes them to collapse and eventually fade away. Smaller spider veins may actually disappear immediately after the procedure is finished. Larger ones may take up to a couple of months and will sometimes require multiple treatment sessions.

What Are the Benefits of Spider Vein Treatment?

There are several main benefits to spider vein treatment and most patients are extremely happy with their decision to have the procedure performed. Some of the most commonly reported benefits include:

  • Relief of symptoms such as pain, swelling, and unsightly appearance
  • Minimally to non-invasive treatment
  • Very little if any downtime needed
  • Minimal pain or discomfort associated with treatment
  • Increased self-confidence in the appearance of the skin

Am I a Good Candidate for Spider Vein Treatment?

If you’re a healthy adult and are bothered with spider veins you’d like to get rid of, chances are you’ll make a good candidate for spider vein treatment.

In the complimentary consultation, the doctor will help make sure you have realistic expectations about what spider vein treatments can do for you, given your own unique set of circumstances.

You’ll also work together to come to an agreement about whether or not spider vein treatment is your best option for giving you the results you have in mind. If not, alternative treatment options that may serve you better can be explored.

You don’t have to continue dealing with unwanted, unsightly, or painful spider veins. Contact Coast Regenerative Medicine and come in for a complimentary consultation. Our offices serve men and women residing in Southern California, including San Bernardino and Orange counties, Covina, San Diego, the Inland Empire, and other surrounding neighborhoods.